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Maybe zombie Denny coming up from the grave would have been better. -cough- Anyone still by some miracles visit here?

Maybe zombie Denny coming up from the grave would have been better. -cough- Anyone still by some miracles visit here? published on 15 Comments on Maybe zombie Denny coming up from the grave would have been better. -cough- Anyone still by some miracles visit here?

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Aah, finally some news, nice to see.Everything alright ?

Holy moly! D: You live! …Well, I’m …somewhat well? A serious depression may or may not have hit me over the past year. ^_^;; Recovery was hard and my energy and motivation could be summed as drip drops. I don’t think I’m back to sunshine and flowers as I used to be but no use sulking, no? May as well pick something I used to love doing and maybe things will work out for me again!
Plus … I got some inspiration from real life events (as per usual) that sprung some ideas ^__^;; Debating if to update a chapter per month or keep the 2 pages per week formula, hmm!

Glad you’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, keep at it i say :)
As for the updates, you don’t have to pressure yourself into making plenty, just make them at the pace you need to, well, simply be able to make them. It’ll satisfy you too this way. ;)

RSS never forgets :D

Really glad you’re back. You know, Der-shing Helmer got really smacked by a similar thing and she came back pretty awesome. I’ve only battled mild depression and I have huge respect for anyone who actually has to tangle with the real thing. I hope you keep fighting and make it through!

RSS never forgets indeed, wow… ;_; words can’t express how touched I felt when I saw these comments in the morning. I may have been re-reading them while at work haha. Silly little things can mean a lot! Thank you so much!

As for updates, I’ve sketched about 10 of the next chapter’s pages, inked 4 of them and will aim to get most of it inked by the end of the month. I plan to post a whole chapter rather than 2 pages per week, I was thinking doing a chapter per month will give me better overview of the story flow and maybe it will be easier to follow!

I was also thinking to set discord channel rather than keep up with the forums. I hate to admit but I constantly forget to check them and they seem easier target for bots which makes them a bit of a hassle to maintain.

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