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Hey I’ve been reading this since the start of chapter three and I wanted to let you know that this has quickly become one of my favourite webcomics out of a hella lot that I read. Also I was wondering whether you drew this by hand or on computer and if by hand what is your process for getting it up and inked looking on the computer (err do you ink it by hand or on the computer)? Much appreciated.

By the by I’m reconing that grabbing the charm may not have been the best thing to do. Dunno why though.

@Darth Killer
Sadly no. XD; The epic heart chain weapon vanished the moment she snatched the necklace.

Oh, my! Thank you! It`s really encouraging to hear this. ^^ I hope it keeps being interesting and fun to read in the future!

Yes, I draw every page by hand on A4 format plain print paper. I sketch first with normal B pencil (sometimes you can see some un-erased pencil lines here and there if you look closer) then ink all by hand. That`s why some small details or figures look kind of badly drawn lol.
My scanner is pretty old and it loves to chomp from the quality. I end up having to adjust the brightness and contrast in photoshop which too eats some of the details or makes the lines look more sharper than I intended them to look.

Sometimes I add ready images like zoom lines and some textures which I haven`t drawn myself but found online. I love drawing the zoom lines myself but at the end they don`t look as good or after scanning they don`t look like I wanted them to. ^^;;

And…well grabbing the charm will lead to something alright. Good or bad, we`ll see!

She`d make a fine thief won`t she? XD;

She totally stole his heart… literally! :,D

I just realised there was an issue in this page.

Panel 4 : Denny catches the necklace with her right hand.
Last Panel : Denny’s holding the necklace with her left hand.

I doubt she’d switch hands in the middle of her move, that would give Xavier an openning. So how come this hand thing happens ?

@Darth Killer
This was just cause I liked the angle on the last panel too much to change the poses and such. It wouldn`t have had the same impact if I changed it and I wanted the necklace seen forward. ^^; I figured people can guess she switched hands while stepping backwards but I guess I can insert a panel somewhere to make it more clear when I revisit the whole thing.

She is all “I will hug you!” …well not really but I keep thinking that when I look back at it. lol XD;

Denny : i thought of another way to fix it : you can change pannel 4 to make Denny use her left hand instead of the right one. Better : that will make her in same pose she is in last panel. Her left hand should draw an “outer” circle to catch the necklace, where here her right hand drew an “inner” circle. I’m not sure if i’m understood, my english is not good enough to explain this. :-°

I think the hand-switching makes sense if she’s right handed. She would then grab the heart with her right hand (as she does), but then she wants to fend off any attempt by Xavier to take it back, again with her right hand, so she had to “hand it to herself” to hold it behind her with her left hand. People actually do things like that quite a lot, but generally aren’t aware of it since it happens in the process of doing something else.

Being ambidextrous, I do have to think about which hand I’m using sometimes, so I tend to be more aware of this sort of thing.

Yeah she is right handed so I kinda imagined what I`d do while snatching a necklace like that to get better idea of the motion and this was the result. ^^;

And Darth Killer don`t worry English isn`t my native language either. I keep poking Joey to edit my pages `cause I keep slipping grammar mistakes here and there. ^^;;
But I got what you mean. I`ll see when I get to revisiting if I`ll change the panel or leave it as it is. I smell a lot of editing when I get to it. : )

Stonefoot : same here, however that’s precisely why i don’t like the idea of hand switching in the middle of a move, while all she has to do is to pull off whatever hand is holding the necklace. The switch would just be too complex. It’s like when you need to scratch your right ear, would you use your left hand and take a detour from above the head ? xD

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